OAE Online Workshops

Time Management – Semester & Month

Clock face

There are a lot of options on the market now for keeping a schedule, beyond the traditional paper-and-pencil calendar: PDAs, iPods, calendars tied to your email account, etc. The principles are the same, whatever method you use for each level of planning. This workshop provides templates for your convenience.

 Semesterly schedule: A 4-month plan prominently located where you can see it every day.

At the beginning of the semester, fill in all due dates, exam dates, fixed appointments (group meetings, etc.), special events (football games, Mom’s birthday, etc.).

You may want to color-code the type of activity, to help you see when the next exam or special event is coming up [never forget Mom’s birthday again!].

Completed sample

Monthly schedule: This allows for more detail, and it’s more portable (keep it with you!).

Set mid-range deadlines for yourself on big projects and papers—be aware of ways to break down larger tasks, chipping away at them one piece at a time.

Completed sample