OAE Online Workshops

SMART Goals: Attainable


Good goals are SMART: Specific — Measurable — ATTAINABLE — Realistic – Timebound

Your goals are ATTAINABLE — Remember to shoot high, but don’t shoot yourself in the foot!

  • “I’m going to ace BISC207” (okay, it could happen, but John will try again)
  • “I’m going to focus all my efforts on the BISC207 class and put in just enough time on my other classes to keep my head above water.” (this may not be the wisest course of action, but it’s better)
  • “I will put a lot of focus on BISC207, but I’ll be sure to make time to keep up with all my other classes, making sure my GPA will be in good shape by the end of the semester.” (this is better: it reminds him that he has to maintain a balance to be successful)
  • As you think about this, consider your strengths and challenges:
    • “I will do well enough in my MATH241 class that I won’t need to spend too much time on it.” (he must decide whether this is realistic)
    • “I think I’ll do well in MATH241, but just to be sure, I’ll sign up for tutoring and make sure I’m getting what I need out of the class.” (this helps prepare him for bumps in the road)