Test-Taking — During the Exam
- Read the directions, listening for last-minute clarifications and corrections.
- Budget your time when looking at exams with multiple sections/different formats (vs. all-essay or all-multiple choice),
- Consider the point value for each section.
- Keep your strengths in mind (e.g., if multiple choice “feels easier”, start with this section and save the essay for afterward).
- In any exam, save time for review at the end.
- Data dump—write down formulas/concepts for quick recall.
- Answer easier questions first, to build self-confidence and trigger memory for the harder ones.
- Use what you know: when having difficulties in problem-solving, try to apply processes you do know to address the solution.
- Organize your thoughts: for short-answer and essay questions, plan first: organize your thoughts before writing them down (start with key words, then build from there).
Click here for more specific pointers targeted toward objective and essay exams.